September 27, 2008

Take Jack Out To The Ballgame....

Baseball always has and always will be the #1 sport around the Jacobson house. Joe began playing baseball this past summer and his little brother Jack enjoyed watching Joe play. It seems as if Jack enjoys watching any baseball whether his brother is involved or not.

This past Wednesday, the Cubs were playing the Mets on ESPN. We had just finished having dinner and Joe was helping me clear the table and clean up the kitchen. When we were finished, we went downstairs to find Jack sitting all by himself watching the Cubs game. He was planted on the floor, right in front of the TV and barely flinched when I came down to take these pictures of him.

Here is Jack working on his catcher's stance

Jack thinking, "It's gonna happen. This is the year of the Cub!"

October is right around the corner and our Cubbies will be marching their way to the World Series. So get comfortable Jack!

September 22, 2008


Joe asks question after question. And some of his questions are hard to anwer for one reason or another. Some of his questions make me laugh and others make me cry. He has asked if Grandpa Ron is in heaven. He has asked if Grandpa Ron is with Lucy (our old cat). He has asked if heaven is in the future. He has asked if the future means his birthday party. He is insightful and getting so smart in his old age (almost 5). Anyway, I'm going to start sharing his questions on this blog. This weekend he asked me, "when I was in your belly, did I know how to kung-fu?"

September 15, 2008

5 Second Rule

(Life for the Jacobson's has been busy. And apparently life has been too busy to allow for blogging.)

I saw this cartoon - and it made me think about all the rules we have at our house.

We really don't have a rule about food on the floor - as Chance & Wrigley are quick to pick up any bit of food that falls to the floor. A mac-n-cheese noodle, once falling to the floor, usually is caught by Chance before it reaches the ground.

Here are some of our rules:

No Wrestling In The House

(Nobody listens or abides by this rule.)

No Sleeping In the Kitchen

(This is Jack after he refused to sleep in his crib. We found him one morning sleeping in the kitchen. We have since purchased a toddler bed. He doesn't sleep in the toddler bed either. I found him this morning sleeping behind the rocking chair in his room.)

No Leaving the Group - Stick Together

(The toddlers at school took a field trip to the zoo. I volunteered to help. Jack refused to ride in the buggy with the other kids. He refused to ride in anything with wheels. "I walk. I walk.")